2023 Monthly Challenge - February
February's theme is the writing schedule. We'll work through how to set the right schedule for your life.
Feel free to follow along in the 2023 Plan Your Writing Year Workbook. You can get your copy here.
The challenge
The challenge this month is to get your writing schedule on track and stick to it. Chances are, you spent most of January planning out your future writing. Now it's time to sit down and really crank those words out.
The first step is to figure out your total word count goal for your writing project. You've probably already done this in your big goals for the year.
Take that overall goal and figure out how many words per month/week/day you'll need to write in order to make your deadline.
Next, figure out how quickly you usually write. You can use a timer for a few different writing sessions and calculate your average words per hour.
How much time per week will you need to schedule for writing in order to make your total word count goal? Do you want to write every day, three times a week, or in longer sessions less frequently?
Schedule your writing sessions in the planner and track your progress!
Some exercises for this month's challenge (should you choose to accept it):
Schedule your writing for different times of the day to mix things up.
Try to turn off the inner editor and see if you can beat your average word count.
Try writing in different locations to see how it impacts your productivity.
Participate in a writing sprint with others to boost your competitive instincts.
For previous 2023 monthly challenges, click here.